We Guarantee all items to your door. If an order is lost or damaged in shipment, it is insured, and we will ship a new item after confirmation of loss from the post office, or receipt of images of the damaged items. Depending on the value of the item, we may ask you to fill out some insurance paperwork for damaged items on your end, before re-printing any damaged parts.
If an item is mis-printed, we will exchange it, or mail replacement parts at no additional cost.
If you are unsatisfied with an order, we will take any items back within 14 days of tracking delivery confirmation. Please notify us through the website or email if you are going to return a product, so that we can look out for it in the mail. The return window is between delivery and email notification, we expect that you will mail return items within the week of notification of their return.
Because all items are custom printed in custom colors and assembled to order, there is a 30% restocking fee on any returned items. The customer is responsible for initial and return shipping.